This has been AMAZING. Each Act has introduced a little more to see and do without being overwhelming. It really felt like it was ramping up to the Mad King's return which was truly exciting to behold and led to a new and very visually well done dungeon. For me, the whole event has gone off without a hitch. I've found no bugs but I understand that hasn't been the case for everyone. Overall, I think ArenaNet nailed it. They breathed life into the holiday again and brought back with a vengeance a much loved (and feared) character from the first game. And a big shoutout to the wiki and walkthrough community like GuildWars2Insider who were on the ball with the Scavenger Hunt walkthroughs within an hour of each Act.
Now for the rants and I've got a couple this time.
Let me say first that this does not include the vast majority of the playerbase despite my generalizations, that being said: I am sick and tired of the whining, self-centered, entitled asshats who complain about everything.. and I do mean -everything-.
ArenaNet is not at fault or responsible for the fact that a hurricane is tearing apart the east coast despite the insistence of certain posters on the official forums. Now I admit, I don't often have my priorities straight but I think most everyone can agree that worrying more about yourself, your family, and your property before a hurricane hits is quite a bit more important than begging for a holiday extension because you can't bear to miss a cutscene that hundreds will be recording and posting on Youtube within 30 minutes of it.
That made me shake my head but it doesn't get under my skin the way that the loot obsessed masses do. I had a conversation in map chat in Lion's Arch recently that went a bit like this:
Asshat: The loot rewards for the Mad King's dungeon are pathetic.
Me: You could've gotten nothing.
Asshat: Nothing would've been better. A 10 slot bag is just insulting. Who uses 10 slot bags anymore?
Me: Um, everyone who can't afford 5g for 20 slot bags?
I can't even begin to put into words how ridiculously entitled and how much of an ass that person sounded. I felt a little better that many people in map chat joined me in calling that person out. What really gets me is that person's sentiments are shared by a lot of people. I've seen it over and over in various chats, be it map, party, or guild - "this loot is crap!"
I come from a time in gaming where you were -lucky- if you got loot for your time. And I know how dated and old that makes me sound but it's true. I would spend hours raiding Molten Core, several days a week and I would only see one item a month for all my time. ONE ITEM. Whether the guild used DKP (dragon killing points) or seniority (whatever person of a certain class was there longest had first choice of the loot) or whatever other system you can devise, you rarely got loot and when you did it was exciting. But, as the years wore on, things changed and people began demanding that things be given to them for minimal effort or that any effort be rewarded and out of fear of losing customers, gaming companies gave into those demands and set the stage for that expectation of every game. ArenaNet doesn't have to award loot for every encounter and for some world bosses they simply don't and when they do it's a chance to be good loot, not a guarantee.
TL;DR version: Stop whining about loot. Guild Wars 2 isn't even a game that relies on stats. There comes a point where you will not find anything better than what you have and ectoplasms are meant to be rare. Use +magic find and take the luck of the draw.